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Dance Research Guide: Dance yearbooks

A guide to outstanding dance resources for research and enrichment

Dance yearbooks

Ballettanz das Jahrbuch (German; pre-2001 in English)

Ballettanz magazine bills itself as "Europe's leading dance magazine." Certainly topics within it go far beyond ballet (e.g. yoga). As for the Yearbook, it appears as the September issue of Ballettanz; the Annual (yearbook) is housed in the "oversized" book area in the main stacks (first floor), GV 1787 B63. Issues prior to 2001 are titled Ballett International, Tanz aktuell and are in English.  NOTE: Issues after 2002 are in German. Subject headings:
Ballet -- Periodicals. Modern dance -- Periodicals.

World Ballet and Dance

Oxford University Press, 1989-1993.  A short-lived publication with issues each devoted to particular theme.  Each issue includes a section on professional companies in the UK and an overview of professional dance companies around the world, with statistics, as well as a listing of international festivals and conferences

Impulse: Annual of Contemporary Dance (1949-1970) [online]

Made available by Temple University Libraries, the periodical Impulse established the first link between discourses in dance and the humanities while publishing a panorama of articles on dance, culture, life and art between 1949 and 1970. Edited by renowned choreographer and educator Marian Van Tuyl (1907-1987),Impulse is now widely considered the seminal collection and synthesis of scholarship, journalism, and documentation for dance in twentieth century American culture, and has become an object of study in its own right.  While selected essays from early issues of Impulse were republished in a commonly available 1969 anthology, Anthology of Impulse: Annual of Contemporary Dance, 1951-1966, hardly any complete runs of Impulse exist, and individual issues have become quite rare and are largely unavailable through the used-book market.  [TCU has individual print annual issues from 1952-1970.] The rarity of Impulse presented considerable barriers to dance scholarship and threatened to obscure the place of importance this publication holds in dance scholarship and appreciation.  It is presented in this online resource as a service to the scholarly community.  A new book on the subject,  Perspectives on Contemporary Dance History: Revisiting Impulse, 1950-1970 [ebook], expands on this publication's importance and analyzes issues.  [Confusingly, there is a periodical titled Impulse, by Human Kinetics; TCU holds 1993-1996.]

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Laura Ruede
TCU Box 298400, Fort Worth, TX 76129