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Dance Research Guide: Online videos from Universities and educational partnerships

A guide to outstanding dance resources for research and enrichment

PBS Learning Media

PBS Learning Media (formerly PBS Teachers' Domain) is an online library of free media resources from public television, owned and operated by WGBH Educational Foundation.  this website offers a wealth of video and lesson plan materials.  Content includes video, flash interactives, images, documents, lesson plans, and student-oriented activities.  Upon free registration the site can be personalized using the Favorites "My Folders," "Shared with class" and "Shared with colleagues" tools. There is a Dance topic selection under Subjects. The African/African American Culture toolkit offers several fine titles.  Each film segment offers a background essay and other materials.  Sample a list of African dance videos and the Native American Heritage Collection.

To use PBS Learning Media from the public interface, without logging in, choose the appropriate level from Grade, if desired, then "The Arts" from Subject, then "Video" from Type.  After clicking "Search," you can select "Dance" from Subject choices on the left side, and choose among sub-topics.

Forum Network

Forum Network (WGBH Forum) is a PBS and NPR public media service in collaboration with public stations and community partners across the United States. Through this expanding network, audio and video lectures are made available online reflecting a diverse range of perspectives on local and global topics.  Forum Network is also archived via The Internet ArchiveThe Forum Network online library features lectures by some of the world's foremost scholars, authors, artists, scientists, policy makers and community leaders. In this interface, click on the "Collection" tab.  In Collection view, don't miss the "Show as List" icon that allows you to sort the list of programs in several different ways.  Depending on which interface you consult, lectures are organized by both broad and specific subjects and, sometimes, series that are aligned with public station local and national programs.  FN vIdeos on YouTube can be searched after clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

 Based at The Center for Knowledge Transfer, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, might be Europe's answer to The Research Channel, though it nevertheless has content from American universities such as MIT, Yale and Stanford--and it's not all dry lectures or tutorials. Content is heavily researched and documented and classified through an editorial process, ensuring quality and authenticity. Scope includes little Arts content as yet (two dance videos 6/24/15), but this resource is worth watching.  A search for "dance" in June 2015 yielded Tele-immersive Dance and Dance Evolution, both concerning computer applications in dance, but did not pull the two videos found via the Arts/Dance menus.  English or other languages can be selected, and the type of material (Event, Lecture, Interview, Tutorial...).  You can filter for recent or "just published" video entries.  Editor's Picks, Featured Conferences and Blog Posts are on the bottom - scroll down to see them.  The copyright statement at the bottom of most pages reads, "Copyright © 2013 VideoLectures.Net.  Unless otherwise noted, all content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommerical-No Derivative Works."  Classroom use of videos appears to be permitted, according to the FAQ (#s 10, 11) in spite of the Terms of Use policy (#3); it seems that classroom use is not considered "public."  However, before showing a video to a class, rights statements accompanying each lecture or tutorial should be reviewed.