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Dance Research Guide: Dance journals at TCU & beyond

A guide to outstanding dance resources for research and enrichment

Browsing the TCU Library's dance journal collection

BrowZine:  recent issues of journals - click on Dance (how-to)

Browse only electronic (online) dance journal titles 

Browse "Dance" category list available from Journal Search (print + online)


Browse print journal titles in the current periodicals area [or all print journal titles, wherever located]

Browse a print AND e-journal list (a fairly comprehensive list of dance titles, with a few irrelevancies)


Three ways to browse the TCU Library's dance journal collection (how to browse like a pro!) [under construction 8/2024]


Selected dance journals

Attitude: the Dancer's Monthly - available online by links in the catalog record (click the title link); in print by call number GV 1580 A98 in the Current Periodicals (Gearhart) Reading Room, with older bound issues housed in the Bolt St. Library Annex (available by request) 

Dance Chronicle - available online by links in the catalog record (click the title link); in print by call number GV 1580 D233 in the Current Periodicals Reading Room on the second floor, with older bound issues housed in the Bolt St. Library Annex (available by request). NOTE:  prior to 1977 this journal was titled Dance Perspectives.

Dance Index - this Lincoln Kirstein periodical, originally published by Arno Press between 1942 and 1948 [online through Eakins press], was revived in 2017 and is available for $10 an issue from Eakins Press. Print issues of 2017-2020 will be in the catalog sometime in 2021.

Dance Magazine - available online via several databases (click the title link); also in print, GV 1580 A53 in the Current Periodicals Reading Room on the second floor, with older bound issues housed in the Bolt St. Library Annex (available by request).

Dance Research Journal (Committee on Research in Dance / Congress on Research in Dance) is online via several databases (click on the title link).  NOTE:  this publication was formerly known as CORD News, which is also available online.

Dance Research - the Journal of the Society for Dance Research - online via several databases (click on the title link); print copies are available by call number GV1580 D29 in the Current Periodicals Reading Room.

Journal of Dance Education (National Dance Education Organization / NDEO) - onine via several databases (click on the title link); in print by call number GV 1589 J68 in the Current Periodicals Reading Room, with older bound issues housed in the Bolt St. Library Annex (available by request).

Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance - JOPERD (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, parent organization of the National Dance Association) - online via several databases (click on the title link); in print by call number GV 201 J6 in the Current Periodicals Reading Room, with older bound issues housed in the Bolt St. Library Annex (available by request).

Movement Research Performance Journal - in print from January 2010 forward, by call number NX 456.5.P38 M68.  Current issues are in the Current Periodicals Reading Room

Dance publications (articles) from the web

From the Green Room  - Dance USA's e-journal is online from the organization's website, complete with recent archives. 

Body, Space and Technology Journal - 2000-present; this publication, emanating from Brunel University, UK, publishes research into artistic practice that engages with digital technologies, particularly as these relate to bodily interaction and creativity, and in multi-disciplinary perspectives.

Dance on Camera Journal [direct link]- from the Dance Films Association, this journal offered timely access to information on trends and new works through 2011.  The Archives of Dance on Camera Journal was available online through the Dance Films Association until recently, but access has lapsed.

International Journal of Screendance - formed by a collaboration of universities, this new, international, artist-led journal explores the field of Screendance. It is said to be the first-ever scholarly journal wholly dedicated to this growing area of worldwide interdisciplinary practice.  The publication purports to examine screendance in the context of contemporary cultural debates about interdisciplinarity, artistic agency, practice as theory, and curatorial practices. Don't miss the page containing past issues.