When you're searching for specifics in the library's collection, the Advanced Search option at library.tcu.edu is a great choice. There you can select up-front, before you click "search," a range of options such as specific fields to search, the parameters of your search, and what type of materials you're interested in (books, videos, whatever). Note that the "library catalog" button setting does NOT find articles within journals. Select "Everything" if you want to include articles.
Even after you click "search," you'll be presented with a variety of options for shaping your search results, such as "tweaking" your results by Title, Author, Oldest, or Newest. You can also backtrack and revamp your original search. The sample search below is for "Subject" ballet danc* - just Material Type books, with the results sorted by title.
At library.tcu.edu click on the Advanced Search tab. For full access to library materials and services, whether selecting the FrogScholar, Catalog, or Advanced Search tabs, sign in with your TCU login.