Extractor, or, Universal Repertorium of Literature. London: J. Ware, 1828-1829. AP4 .E98.
Special Collections has issues for November 1, 1828 through February 28, 1829 bound post-production into one volume.
The Friend: A Literary, Moral, and Political Weekly Paper, exculding Personal and Party Politics and the Events of the Day. London, John Brown, 1809-10. Lewis PR4480 .F7 1809.
Edited by Samuel Coleridge. Special Collections houses the full run in original unbound state. Ours are unbound and have a price stamp indicating they cost 3 pence, half penny.
The Liberal: Verse and Prose from the South. London. Printed by and for J. Hunt, 1822-1823. Lewis AP4 .L415.
This is a little early, but too interesting to pass up. Literary magazine founded by G. Byron, L. Hunt and P. Shelley. "To be continued occasionally.' Special Collections has Numbers 1-4 in original wrappers. Ads in back.
The New York Public Library has digitized their copies of Numbers 1 and 2.
The Lounger: A Periodical Paper Published at Edinburgh in the Years 1785 and 1786. London: Printed for J. Richardson & Co., 1822.
Special collections has a later reprint of this eighteenth-century Scottish weekly. Our copies have not been catalogued. Digitized versions are available through British Periodicals Collection I. A reproduction of the original printing is available through Eighteenth Century Collections Online.
The Monthly Review. London: Printed for R. Griffiths, 1752-1826. AP4 .M7.
This is a high-brow journal with essays and reviews.
Special Collections has the following issues in original parts as issued:
New series, Volume 18, numbers 1-4 (September-December, 1795) with appendix.
New series, Volumes 19-21 (January - December, 1796) together with the appendices.
New series, Volumes 22-23 (January - August, 1797) with appendices.
Each volume comprises four numbers and an appendix. The appendices have an index for the preceding four issues.
The Spectator. London: Samuel Buckley, 1711-1714. uncatalogued.
This was a daily journal edited by Joseph Addison and Richard Steele. Special Collections holds Numbers 1-555 (Mar. 1, 1711- December 6, 1712). Each number is a single sheet printed in two columns with ads at the end. Ours are bound into a single volume.
There is a digitized copy available here.
The Tatler: The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, esq. London: John Morphew, 1709-1711. uncatalogued.
Special Collections has Numbers 1-27 (April 12, 1709 to Jan. 2, 1710.)
There is digitized version available through 18th-century books online.
The Watchman. Bristol: Published by the author, S.T. Coleridge, 1796. Lewis AP3 .W35.
Special Collections has the complete run, from March 1-May 13, 1796. Issues were bound post-production.
Digital reproduction available at Eighteenth Century Collections Online.