Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine. New York: Leonard Scott & Co., 1833-, AP4 .B612
Special Collections has volumes for 1838, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1853-1859, and 1872.
Digital reproductions of the American edition are available through the American Antiquarian Society.
Every Saturday: A Journal of Choice Reading Selected from Foreign Current Literature. Boston, Tichnor and Fields, 1866-74. AP2 .E89.
Special Collections has one issue only for December 15, 1866. It is still in original wrappers with ads. Every Saturday was an eclectic magazine borrowing chiefly from English journals. Reade, Yates, Dickens, and Thackeray were among the English authors. Few original American contributions appeared, although Bret Harte furnished two short pieces for publication.
Graham’s Magazine. Philadelphia: G.R. Graham, 1840-1856. AP 2 G73 vv. 40-41
Edited by G.R. Graham and Edgar Allen Poe. Literature, fashion, art, music, etc. Lots of illustrations. Special Collections has volumes for 1852 and 1853 only.
Available online through several databases.
Household Words: A Weekly Journal. New-York : G.P. Putnam, 1850-. AP4 .H92.
The American edition of the journal edited by Charles Dickens. We have one monthly issue (December 1856) of the American edition. This one is has its wrapper and original advertisements:
New York Journal: An Illustrated Literary Periodical. New York: P.D. Orvis, 1853-54. AP2 .N674.
Special Collections has the first two volumes in original wrappers.
Digitized through American Antiquarian Society.
People's Illustrated Fireside Magazine. Augusta, Maine: P.O. Vickrey, 1880-83. AP2 .P4225
TCU Library Special Collections has vol. 1, no. 6 (Mar. 1881) only; partial page damaged.
The Quarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine. New York: American Anti-Slavery Society (William S. Dorr, printer), 1835-1837. E449 .Q2.
Special Collections houses the full run, comprising Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1835)-v. 2, no. 4 (July 1837). Our copies were bound post-production. There is a poem and news clipping on the front paste-down, both referring to the same incident regarding an Indiana landowner's refusal to free slaves. The bound volume was also used by its owner to press and store dried plants.
Digitized copies available through American Antiquarian Society and HeinOnline.