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eReaders & eBooks: EBSCO eBooks

How to use your eReaders with library eBooks.

Using EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks can be read online in most web browsers, and can also be downloaded for offline reading to devices that support the EPUB (Adobe Digital Editions) eBook format. That includes most eBook reading devices except for the Amazon Kindle, and includes Apple iOS devices that have installed the "iBook" app.

Note that EBSCO eBooks are restricted to use by one user at a time. When you download an eBook for use on an ereader, the book will be "checked out" for up to seven days (you can choose a shorter period on the download screen). It will automatically become available to other users after the checkout period, or if you choose to check it in. When you read an eBook online, it automatically becomes locked from other users --or other web browser sessions you start yourself--for 30 minutes. Be careful not to open an eBook for online viewing and then close your web browser if you need to immediately go back to it.

Reading Online
To read an EBSCO eBook online, simply click on the "eBook Full Text" button on the left side of the screen after opening the eBook record in EBSCO.


Image showing "eBook Full Text" link location

Downloading and Reading Offline 
There is a page in this LibGuide with information on book reader apps for specific devices, such as iPads and Android tablets. These apps eliminate the extra step of having to first download a file to your computer and then transfer it to your portable device. If your device is not yet supported by an app, the instructions below for using Adobe Digital Editions should work on most devices except the Amazon Kindle.

For devices like the Barnes & Noble Nook that don't include web browsers, viewing offline is accomplished by first using the "Download" link on the Ebrary site to download an EPUB version of the book to your computer. (Although PDF versions of individual chapters can also be downloaded, the EPUB versions are easier to use on eBook readers, and include the entire book.)


Image pointing out location of "Download This eBook (Offline)" link.

You'll be prompted to "sign in" to your personal EBSCO account. If you haven't already created a personal EBSCO account, you can do that after clicking on the "Sign In Now" link.

Note: This is *not* the same as your TCU network account. It is an account on EBSCO's system that you create for your own use. Personal EBSCO accounts are not required for searching and reading eBooks online, but they are required for downloading eBooks.

Image of the "Sign In Now" link.

After you've signed in, the eBook will open in the online reader and you'll need to click the Download link again

Pointing out the second "Download This eBook (Offline)" link.

EBSCO will open a new popup window with yet another Download button you need to click. Note that this pop up also includes a link to go download the "Adobe Digital Editions" software if you have not already downloaded and installed it on your computer.

To copy the eBook from Adobe Digital Editions on your computer to your eBook reader:

  • Plug the eBook reader into your computer using the cable supplied with the reader.

  • If this is the first time you've used the eBook reader with Adobe Digital Editions, you'll be asked if you want to register it as a supported device; say Yes.

  • Go into the "library view" in Adobe Digital Editions so that all the books you've got checked out are visible in the main window on the right. Then drag the book you want to copy to your ereader onto the ereader icon in the left column.

Screenshot of Adobe Digital Editions pointing out the icon to click to go into library view, and the location of the books on the left.