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Music Research Guide: Vocalists

Call Number Help

Search vocal scores using Advanced Search. Composer (author) and title with "Music Scores" limiter under Format. Note the call number "M150# .##" to find the item. Vocal scores are located on the right side, towards the back of the M/ML.

Websites for finding/buying music

LoC Call Number Listings (Vocal)

LoC Call Number listings for vocalists.

Scores (M):

M1503 (Opera alpha by composer)

M1507 (Musical Theatre and Opera Collections and Anthologies)

M1508 (Musical Theatre alpha by composer)

M1619 (Art Song Anthologies)

M1620 (Art Song alpha by composer)

M2000+ (Sacred Vocal Music)

Literature about Music (ML):

ML100 (Encyclopedias)

ML134 (Thematic Catalogs alpha by composer)

ML410 (Biography - alpha by composer/performer)

ML1400-3275 (Books about vocal music of all cultures and genres)

ML3820 (Physiological)

Music Theory/Teaching (MT):

MT88 (Administration of Vocal Groups)

MT820-890 (Singing and Vocal Techniques)

Helpful Databases

Reference and streaming databases for performance, repertoire or diction.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Cari Alexander

Phone: 817-257-6623
Subjects: Genealogy, Music