Professional competitions
The Cliburn: 50 Years of Gold (video)
History of the Cliburn Piano Competition Competition statistics to 2005 ; 2009 ; 2013 |
Videos online: 2022 prelims ; 2017 prelims 2013 prelims, semis ; Cliburn-Vimeo Purchase recordings Audio streaming and CD albums (Amazon) Instant Encore: listen / purchase eClassical (downloads) |
Composer competitions: | Above: image from an article featuring the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, Rock Island Argus, circa May 30, 1981 (full image) | |||
Sound Recordings via Naxos |
TOP: piano images by Paul Lazzaro and Associates for a 1993 cover of Cliburn News. ABOVE LEFT: original logo of the Van Cliburn Competition as presented on the cover of the 1962 application brochure (click image to enlarge). ABOVE RIGHT: early 1962 logo used for the application mailing envelope, with red background added (click to see original envelope). |
Laura J. Ruede, MLS
Van Cliburn Archivist
Mary Couts Burnett Library
Texas Christian University
Telephone: 817-257-7774