Find books, articles, and more:
Start at the TCU library homepage, and select, "Catalog":
You can use the options on the left to narrow down by subject, date, etc.:
To find books or articles on your topic at TCU, start with a person, event, or place, and try adding the term "history".
For example: Iran AND history
If you know the date of your event, you can add the date into your search.
For example: Iran AND history AND 1979
If you want to find books about a certain topic in a particular century, add that century into your search. Use quotes to keep phrases together.
For example: Iran AND politics AND "20th century"
Other terms to try depending on your topic:
To find books outside of TCU, use the same search terms as above, and use WorldCat to find books at other libraries. Use Interlibrary Loan to request these books.
Books about Middle East history are located on the third floor of the library mostly in the DS section. You can use the following table to come to the library and browse by subjects:
DR 401-741 | Turkey |
DS 35.3-35.7 | History of Asia: The Islamic World |
DS 41-66 | Middle East. Southwestern Asia. Ancient Orient. Arab East. Near East. |
DS 67-79.9 | Iraq (Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia) |
DS 80-90 | Lebanon (Phenicia) |
DS 92-99 | Syria |
DS 101-151 | Israel (Palestine). The Jews |
DS 153-154.9 | Jordan. Transjordan |
DS 155-156 | Asia Minor |
DS 161-195.5 | Armenia |
DS 201-248 | Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia |
DS 260.7-262 | Iran (Persia) |
DS 327-329.4 | Central Asia |
DS 331-349.9 | Southern Asia. Indian Ocean Region |
DS 350-375 | Afghanistan |
DS 376-392.2 | Pakistan |
DS 393-396.9 | Bangladesh. East Pakistan |
DS 401-486.8 | India (Bharat) |
DS 488-490 | Sri Lanka |
DS 491-492.9 | Bhutan |
DS 493-495.8 | Nepal |
DS 498-498.8 | Goa. Portuguese in India |
To find books using FrogScholar, use the down arrow to expand "Material Type" from the options on the left, and then choose "Books":