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Economic History: The Basics

A guide to research resources for Lovett's Economic History class

Beginning Your Research

Here are a few basic tips to get you started in your research:

1.  Your instructor has a STRONG preference for journal articles.  Start with the databases first since this is the easiest place to find journal articles.

2. A.  Because you are doing historical (as well as economic) research, DON'T limit your publication dates!  An article about 1842 could have been written in 2010.  

    B.  However, if the database allows, DO limit to the Historical Period you are seeking.  The database, America: History and Life" allows you to do this on the initial search page.  

3. Several of the databases I am recommending are published by EBSCOhost.  Use the EBSCOhost link on the databases tab, and then click all the EBSCOhost databases I recommend and search them all at once! 

4. Ask me.  I'll be happy to either help you get started or help you find a specific piece of information you are needing.  Really- helping you is my favorite part of this job.

My Hours

Typical Work Week:

Monday: 1pm-9pm (research help desk from 5-9pm)

Tuesday - Friday: 9am-5pm