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TCU School of Medicine: Entertainment

Information and resources for the M.D. program students and faculty


Medical school is a tremendous amount of work and effort. However, all work and no play means stressed students who need a break! Here are some suggestions for library resources to help you relax and blow off some steam.

Music: Streaming and on CD

Do you study to music? Check these sources for streaming music: choices in all genres:classical, jazz, rock, contemporary, etc.

The Music/Media library on the 3rd floor has a substantial collection of music CDs that can be checked out. Looking for a particular artist or movie sound track? Search TCU Library catalog and limit the format to Music CDs. If you are old school, we also have Music LPs.

Fun Reads

Check out our Popular Reads/Bestsellers on the 2nd floor. You can browse these new fiction items, which are arranged by authors' last name. Looking for a favorite author, fiction or non-fiction? Search the TCU Library catalog by author name or title. Older titles are shelved by Library of Congress Call number.

Video: Streaming and on DVD

You have access to a wide variety of video resources. Much of the streaming material is documentaries or serious film. Below is a select list of video databases with a wide variety of content. For a comprehensive list, see a list of all our video databases.

The Music/Media library on the 3rd floor has a substantial collection of popular film and TV series on DVD that can be checked out. Looking for a particular show? Search TCU Library catalog and limit the format to Video (DVD format). If you are old school, we also have VHS.
