Find books, articles, and more:
Start at the TCU library homepage, and select, "Catalog":
You can use the options on the left to narrow down by subject, date, etc.:
To find books on your topic at TCU, start with a person, event, or general topic of interest, and add the word "history." For example:
Queer and history
If you know the name or date of your event, you can add the date into your search. For example:
Stonewall and history and 1969
If you want to find books about a certain topic in a particular century, add that century into your search. For example:
Queer and history and "20th century" (use the quotes to keep "20th Century" together as a phrase)
If you're finding information on your topic and it does not have an American focus, add "United States" with the quotes. For example:
Queer and history and "United States"
To find books using FrogScholar, use the down arrow to expand "Material Type" from the options on the left, and then choose "Books":