In Mississippi in 1955, a sixteen-year-old finds himself at odds with his grandfather over issues surrounding the kidnapping and murder of a fourteen-year-old African American from Chicago. (Fiction)
Grades 9-12; Three lesson plans using the murder of Emmett Till as an example:
1. Image Analysis
2. Text Analysis
3. Write a Poem based on Historical People or Events
Grades 8-12; Students will be able to identify major historical figures and publications of the black press and relate them to national civic issues and broader historical themes in a paper or discussion.
Grades 9-12; The objective of this lesson is to introduce students to the fight for fair media representation during the Civil Rights Movement.
Texshare Databases
Most educators and students in Texas have access to the suite of Texshare databases through their school or public libraries. Texshare is administered by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC).