These disciplines tend to use APA Citation and Formatting Style:
The following guidelines are recommended in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition. Please check with your supervising professor to see whether strict APA formatting should be observed for your project. All references on the references page should be double-spaced and use a hanging indent.
Note: If you are direct quoting a specific part of a source, include a page number, table, paragraph, section, time stamp, etc. in your in-text citation. If you are citing ideas from a whole work, no section identifier is needed. Please consult the APA Manual 7th edition to see how to include these section identifiers.
Oliver, P. (2014). Writing your thesis (3rd ed.). Sage.
(Oliver, 2014).
According to Oliver (2014)...
Oliver (2014) states...
Werner-Burke, N., Knaus, K., & Helt DeCamp, A. (2014). Rebuilding research writing: Strategies for sparking informational inquiry. Routledge.
(Werner-Burke et al., 2014).
Werner-Burke et al. (2014) argue...
Martinez, C. T., Kock, N., & Cass, J. (2011). Pain and pleasure in short essay writing: Factors predicting university students' writing anxiety and writing self-efficacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(5), 351-360.
(Martinez, Kock & Cass, 2011).
Martinez, Kock, and Cass (2011) recommend...
Clay, R.A. (2007). Writing well.
American Library Association. (2015, February 9). Framework for information literacy for higher education.
(Clay, 2007).
(American Library Association, 2015).
According to Clay (2007)...
The American Library Association (2015) claims...
The following guidelines are recommended in accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Please check with your supervising professor to see whether strict APA formatting should be observed for your project.
Note: If you are submitting your paper for a professional publication, there are different requirements for the title page. Consult the APA Manual 7th edition to see how to format title pages for professional papers. Additionally, title page requirements for honors projects may differ from department to department. Please consult your advisor for how to format your title page.