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Psychology: Books & E-Books

Research guide and help center for students and faculty in the PSYCHOLOGY department.

Books & E-Books

Here are some books and e-books that are available for check-out at the Library. Hover over the  icon to get more information about their content. To access e-books, click on the title, scroll to the bottom of the page: Direct link will be in the "Location" box.

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Call Number Ranges

Every item in the Mary Couts Burnett Library has a unique call number, the Library of Congress (LC) Classification number. A call number is simply an address for a book or other material in the library. No two items will have exactly the same call number. The following are the primary call numbers for Psychology:

BF 1-900 Psychology
BF 180-198 Experimental Psychology
BF 698 Personality
RC 321-571 Neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry
RC 554-569 Personality Disorders
HF 5548.7 Industrial Psychology
LB 1050.9-1091 Educational Psychology


Check out the library maps to find specific sections and call numbers!


Online Reference Books