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EndNote 21: EndNote 21 Windows

Information on how to use and download EndNote and what's new in EndNote 21

Handout for PC by TCU Librarian

Online Citation Manuals

Citing Sources

How to Use EndNote 21 for Windows in 7 minutes

Editing Output Styles

Editing a referencing output style

Not all EndNote styles will be correctly configured to meet your publishing requirements - it may be necessary for you to edit a style:

  • Open EndNote
  • Go to Tools > Output Styles > Open Style Manager...
  • Select the style you want to edit
  • Click Edit. The style window opens.    

To change how in-text citations appear:

1. Left menu > Citations > choose the aspect you want to change

Example: When using EndNote's APA 6th output style the author's initials will appear in in-text citations for those authors with the same surname but different initials. To prevent this from happening:

  • Open the style window as outlined above.
  • Left menu > Citations > Author Lists 

To change how citations appear in your bibliography: 

1. Open the style window as outlined above. Left menu > Bibliography > Templates. View the Bibliography template in the main window.

  • To alter the format Highlight the text & use Formatting buttons above the In-Text Citations window
  • To alter punctuation - type or delete punctuation as required. 

As well as the above aspects, there are special characters or 'fields' with which EndNote controls how records appear in the bibliography. Place your cursor where you want the character in the template. Go to Insert Field on the right and select the appropriate character:

  • Singular/plural (^ caret symbol) - used if there is different text for singular/plural forms e.g. (Ed.),^(Eds.)
  • Link adjecent text - a non-breaking space (shown as a small grey diamond in the template) used to link adjacent text to a field so text doesn't appear if the field is empty.
  • Forced separation (| pipe symbol)- used to separate punctuation from adjacent fields. e.g. you might want a full stop at the end no matter what fields are empty.
  • Field names as literal text (`back apostrophe symbol)- used if you want text in your records that has already been used as a field name e.g. if you want the word 'year' as well as the field year.
  • To remove a field Highlight > click Delete on your keyboard.
  • To substitute fields select Bibliography > Field Substitutions and tick the appropriate boxes e.g. the URL field can be inserted for records without a DOI.

2. Don't forget to save your changes as a copy. Test your changes in a test Word document.

3. If you experience problems when trying to save your edited style see the EndNote FAQ

Please come to the TCU Library with your EndNote library & document for further help or contact us by phone / email .  

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