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Anthropology books are located on the first floor of the library in the GN section. You can use the following table to come to the library and browse by subjects within anthropology:
GN 1 - 890 | Anthropology |
GN 49 - 298 | Physical Anthropology. Somatology |
GN 51 - 59 | Anthropometry |
GN 62.8 - 265 | Human variation, including growth, physical form, skeleton, nervous system, skin, etc. |
GN 269 - 279 | Race (General) |
GN 280.7 | Man as animal. Simian traits versus human traits |
GN 281 - 289 | Human evolution |
GN 282 - 286.7 | Fossil man. Human paleontology. |
GN 296 - 296.5 | Medical anthropology |
GN 301 - 674 | Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology |
GN 357 - 367 | Culture and cultural processes, including social change, structuralism, diffusion, etc. |
GN 378 - 396 | Collected ethnographies |
GN 397 - 397.7 | Applied anthropology |
GN 406 - 517 | Cultural traits, customs, and institutions |
GN 406 - 442 | Technology. Material culture, including food, shelter, fire, tools, etc. |
GN 448 - 450.450.8 | Economic organization. Economic anthropology |
GN 451 - 477.7 | Intellectual life, including communication, recreation, philosophy, religion, knowledge, etc. |
GN 478 - 491.7 | Social organization |
GN 492 - 495.2 | Political organization. Political anthropology |
GN 495.4 - 498 | Societal groups, ethonocentrism, diplomacy, warfare, etc. |
GN 502 - 517 | Psychological anthropology |
GN 537 - 674 | Ethnic groups and races |
GN 550 - 674 | By region or country |
GN 700 - 890 | Prehistoric archaeology |
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When choosing words to use for your search on anthropological topics, choose words that are related to the root concept of your paper or topic. Examples include: rites, traditions, folklore, taboo, symbolism, religion, rituals, sacrifice, death, healing, etc. Using at least one of these words in conjuction with other words in your search will help you find more relevant results.