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U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Microfilm: By Keyword

Purpose of this guide is to show how to search for NARA microfilm in our catalog and on the National Archives site.

Search Instructions

The same rules apply for searching by keyword in our catalog as it does in searching in NARA's catalog.   In the Searching for microfilm in NARA tab there are the following search suggestions that work for both sites:

If you require clarification on any of the search recommendations below please refer to this tab for further edification. 

By Keyword

If your choosing to search by keyword it is to your advantage to use as many words as possible to help narrow your search.  To start your search go to our library's home page, select Library Catalog and a search box will appear on the screen.  You have the option to search several ways in the catalog.  Though there are several options for searching, the best option for a basic keyword search for NARA microfilm would be Words Anywhere

TCU Library hompage featuring the Library Catalog function searching for "words anywhere"


Then type in your keywords.  Again, the more words you're able to list the better your results will be.  In the examples below, the first image shows when we used the words Ministers Russia 46 records were found and we were just plain lucky that the title we were looking for was the first one listed.  The second image illustrates that if you just add Despatch* to your original search then only one record was found and it was the one we were searching for.


List of search options for NARA microfilm in the library's catalog


List of search options for NARA microfilm in the library's catalog