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Scholarly journals from first issue to 3-5 years ago, plus scholarly ebooks. Multiple subjects, especially strong in arts and sciences. Coverage dates: 1800 - present

race relations abstracts logo

Race Relations Abstracts

Index of books and articles about race relations including ethnic studies, discrimination, and immigration. Some full-text. Coverage dates: 1975 - present

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SocINDEX with Full Text

Peer-reviewed journal articles for topics in anthropology, criminal justice, social work, and sociology. Coverage dates: 1895 - present

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Proquest Databases

Search all Proquest databases: historical newspapers, other primary sources, dissertations, current periodicals, etc. from a single page. Documents can be limited to desired source(s) from the results list. Coverage dates: 1400 - present.

Ethnic NewsWatch

Newspapers, magazines, journals, and newsletters from various ethnic, minority, and native presses. Coverage dates: 1959 to present

Welcome Message

Artwork created by Gregg Deal © 2018

Welcome to this research guide for the Introduction to Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies. I am Robyn Reid, the librarian for CRES. In this research guide, you will find recommendations on where to look for resources for CRES topics.