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Master's in Liberal Arts: Find Articles

For students in the Master's in Liberal Arts Program

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Scholarly journals from first issue to 3-5 years ago, plus scholarly ebooks. Multiple subjects, especially strong in arts and sciences. Coverage dates: 1800 - present

Academic Search Ultimate Logo

Academic Search Ultimate

Scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, videos, and trade publications covering multiple subjects. Coverage dates: 1887 – present

U.S. Major Dailies Logo

U.S. Major Dailies

Key national newspapers, same day coverage. The New York Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune. Content available by 8am each day. Images not included. Coverage dates: 1985 - present

Proquest Logo

Proquest Databases

Search all Proquest databases: historical newspapers, other primary sources, dissertations, current periodicals, etc. from a single page. Documents can be limited to desired source(s) from the results list. Coverage dates: 1400 - present.