Most of the resources in this guide are meant to help you in company-specific research. The tab “General Information on CSR” lists resources that are more broadly about corporate social responsibility and business ethics.
Information on a company’s code of ethics or its business ethics in general can be found in several different places.
The company’s own website. Often, a mission statement or corporate social responsibility statement will be stated directly on the website.
News sources. News articles provide an outside perspective on a company’s ethics. They can also provide current, up-to-date information. To find news articles, visit some of the databases or websites listed in this guide.
Scholarly articles. Articles in peer-reviewed journals, such as the Journal of Business Ethics and Business Ethics Quarterly can provide analysis of a company’s ethics policies as well discussions on corporate social responsibility in general. To find scholarly articles, visit the databases listed in this guide. You may need to limit your search by “peer reviewed articles.”
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