When possible, search by a public company's ticker symbol.
It is often a quicker and more accurate way to find company information.
You will probably have to rely on articles to discover a company's market strategy.
Here are some good databases for finding market strategies:
I like to start with Mergent Intellect.
Once you find your company, scroll down to the Key Information section on the initial landing page for your company.
If your company is a subsidiary, you can quickly find out who is the parent company by looking at the Ultimate Parent Name line.
Sometimes it accurately shows whether your company is public or private. Look at the Company Type line.
You can also see the primary industry for your company by looking at Primary SIC Code or Primary NAICS Code lines.
Finally, you can obtain some basic financial information, see a list of competitors, and access 10K reports if your company is public.
Take a look at the database Business Source Complete or Warc for information on business or marketing strategies.
Below are some suggestions to get you started in Business Source Complete on this topic.
If the company name is more than 2 words, put the name of the company in quotation marks: ex. "Pepperidge Farm". I also recommend that you limit the date range on the left side of the (database) search results page.
Additionally, you may want to add words to the 2nd search box depending on your question.
Example search terms: market* ; strategy OR strategies; advertis* (see the Search Tips tab to learn about the *)
Search shown in image below: Search Box1: "walt disney" Search Box2: marketing OR advertis* Search Box3: strateg*
You might also search in the database Warc for information on strategies.
Keep your search very simple and just type the name of your company or the industry.
In the image below, I created a simple search: electric cars.
Then, use the limiters on the left side of the database to narrow down. Notice that you can limit the date range, limit to a particular brand, etc. Play around with the dropbox options on the left side.
A Company SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) can only be found in the database, Business Source Complete.
Just type the name of your company in the first box, and the acronym SWOT in the 2nd box. Only works for public companies and usually for just the Parent Company.