Use the tabs at the top of the page or the links below to navigate the guide.
For Writing Assignment #1, click the Historical Food Production & Distribution tab
For Writing Assignment #2, click the Current Food Production & Distribution tab
For the Case Study and the Group Project, you will be doing Country Research. Check out any of the applicable country tabs.
I have broken country information into several categories.
Country Economic Research (Profit) -- GDP, exports, imports, top industries, etc.
Country Political Research (People) -- government functions & structure, history, political conditions, political risk, etc.
Country Cultural Research (People) -- social norms, how to conduct business, holidays, customs, etc.
Country Ecological Research (Planet) -- climate effects, ecology, etc.
Typical Work Week:
Monday: 1pm-9pm (research help desk from 5-9pm)
Tuesday - Friday: 9am-5pm