Performing in depth research may require accessing archives, special collections, or archival databases. Archives are institutions or parts of institutions that preserve records of a person or entity for further use in the future. Archives usually have both intrinsic and extrinsic values. It not only includes paper materials. Special collections often have books, manuscripts, film, audio recordings, and other materials. Most of these places, if not all, are accessible to researchers.
However, not everyone can jet across the United States to obtain the information they need. Microforms have allowed library's to purchase, for example, periodicals that they may not have had access to before. Developing technology has allowed materials to be scanned and assembled into searchable databases that people thousands of miles away can access. Not only does this foster the research community, but it also preserves the precious materials that are housed in archives from being overused and further damaged.
These pages highlight databases and TCU special collections and archives that may be of use to those focusing on American culture. TCU Library has purchased some of these databases and other are free online. I have group and provided descriptions of these databases. For particular ones, I have provided short presentations on how to navigate them.
Many types of spaces exist that hold archival materials. The list below are some that you may encounter in your research.
Historical Societies
These house materials usually dedicated to a certain subject, group, geographical or municipal area, time period, or historical event.
Dedicated the preservation and conservation of records of an entity or person that has historical importance
Special Libraries or Centers
These places often have archival papers, artifacts, manuscripts and books and are dedicated to a subject or region
Many museums have libraries as well as artifacts in their possession that can be used.
Many people find contacting and visiting archives or special collections daunting. However, a wonderful discovery process can occur when you hold items in hand. I wanted to provide everyone with a couple of pointers on contacting and going to archives/special collections.
1. Don't be afraid to contact archives, historical societies, or special collections. You will be amazed at some of the ways they can help you obtain information through finding aids.
2. Be prepared to explain what you are using an item for or pay for copies.
3. Bring a pencil. Bring a pencil. Bring a pencil. Not all places allow computers. And none allow pens. Bring a pencil.
4. You will more than likely be asked to leave your belongings outside of the reading area in a locked area, so try not to bring expensive items with you.
5. Before you go, ask about copies or ability to take digital pictures if copying is not allowed. Some copying can cause serious damage to materials.
6. No food. No drink. Period. Archives have to be protected against infestations of creepy crawlies that love paper.
7. Bring a sweater if you get cold easily. Archives and special collections are climate controlled to prevent high humidity to preserve items.
8. If you have notes, ask if you can bring them in.
9. Be prepared to deal with copyright and permission. Some collections may have parts of them sealed from public viewing until a certain date or may require you to sign a permission slip. Read this slip carefully. It usually has information on where the material can be used or displayed and how to cite the information.