Articles on all business topics. In addition, includes company profiles, industry analysis, market research reports, country reports, and SWOT analyses. Contains Harvard Business Review. Coverage dates: 1886 - present
Scholarly journals from first issue to 3-5 years ago, plus scholarly ebooks. Multiple subjects, especially strong in arts and sciences. Coverage dates: 1800 - present
Scholarly journals, ebooks, videos, technical reports, and dissertations covering all aspects of global behavioural and social sciences research. Coverage dates: 1887 – present
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Popular, foreign, and documentary films specifically for course use only, limited to 1000 films campus wide at any one time plus 20 additional films by special request. Selection for the 20 additional titles is mediated via request form submission by the professor of record. Please contact your liaison librarian for more information. Coverage dates: Current