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Music Research Guide: Percussion

Reference Resources (Print)

The Oxford Companion to Musical Instruments
Call Number: Ref. ML102.I5 B34 1992

Musical Instruments of the World
Call Number: Ref. ML102.I5 D5

The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments
Call Number: Ref. ML102.I5 N48 1984 Vol.1-3

The Encyclopedia of Percussion, 2nd edition
Call Number: Ref. ML102.P4 E5 2007 

The Percussionist's Dictionary
Call Number: Ref. ML102.P4 A3 1984

Call Numbers

M146               Solo drum (timpani, side drum, etc.)
M147               Solo bells, glockenspiel, etc.
M175               Solo xylophone/marimba/vibraphone
M1039.4.X9     Xylophone/Marimba/Vibraphone with Orchestra
M284.T5          Timpani & piano
M284.P4          Percussion (1 player) & piano
M1038-1039     Percussion with Orchestra
M1138-1139     Percussion with String Orchestra

ML128.P23       Percussion Bibliographies
ML1030-1049   Books about percussion
MT655-662       Studies and Methods

Percussion Print Resources (Non-Reference)

Handbook of Percussion Instruments: Their Characteristics and Playing Techniques - Karl Peinkofer & Fritz Tannigel
Call Number: ML1030.P4413

Practical Percussion: A Guide to the Instruments and Their Sources - James Holland
eBook: Full Text Online

Percussion Instruments and Their History - James Blades
Call Number: ML1030.B6 1975

*All resources "not in library collection" are being considered for purchase.*

Method of Movement for Marimba - Leigh Howard Stevens
*Not in library collection.

Four-Mallet Marimba Playing - Nancy Zeltsman
*Not in library collection.

Stick Control: For the Snare Drummer - George Lawrence Stone
*Not in library collection.

Portraits in Rhythm - Anthony Cirone
*Not in library collection.

Douze Etudes pour Caisse Claire - Jacques Delecluse
*Not in library collection.

Groove Essentials - Tommy Igoe
*Not in library collection.

Essential Styles for the Drummer and Bassist - Steve Houghton
*Not in library collection.

The Solo Timpanist - Vic Firth
*Not in library collection.

Modern Method for Tympani - Saul Goodman
Call Number: MT660.G6 M6


Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Cari Alexander

Phone: 817-257-6623
Subjects: Genealogy, Music