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Grey Literature: Research Registries

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What is a Research Registry?

What is a Research Registry?

I was unable to find a consistent definition, even among my sources.

From what I've gathered, a Research Registry is broader than Clinical Trial Registry. It hosts more than just Randomized Control Trials or Controlled Trials. It reports on retrospective trials, observational studies, systematic reviews, etc. 

Research Registry Resources:

HSRProj: Health Services Research Projects in Progress

HSRProj is a database providing access to ongoing grants and contracts in health services research, is available free from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). 

HSRProj contains descriptions of research in progress funded by federal and private grants and contracts for use by policy makers, managers, clinicians and other decision makers. It provides access to information about health services research in progress before results are available in a published form.

Records cover both grants and contracts awarded by major public and private funding agencies and foundations. Users can retrieve names of performing and sponsoring agencies, names and addresses of the principal investigator, beginning and ending years of the project, information about study design and methodology including demographic characteristics of the study group, number of subjects in the study population, population base of the study sample, and source of the project data. Records are indexed with NLM's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) and, when available, NIH's CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) keywords. Also, project descriptions are included whenever possible.


The information found in RePORTER is drawn from several extant databases–eRA databases, Medline, PubMed Central, the NIH Intramural Database, and iEdison–using newly-formed linkages among these disparate data sources. RePORTER includes information on research projects funded by the NIH as well as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Administration for Children and Family (ACF), and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). RePORTER also includes links to publications and patents citing support from these projects. The comprehensiveness of these databases varies, as does the quality of the linkages formed among them. We expect that the quality of RePORTER data will improve over time as a result of changes in both data collection (e.g., implementation of the NIH Public Access policy) and the increased ability to identify missing information that comes from making these data accessible to more people.

Research Registry

The Research Registry is a one-stop shop for registering all types of research studies, from 'first in man' case reports to observational/interventional studies to systematic reviews and meta-analyses.